Alexa Knows All Your Secrets



Amazon Alexa, which is simply known as Alexa. Amazon Alexa is a virtual assistant Al technology developed by Amazon. It is first used in Amazon Echo smart speakers developed by Amazon Lab126.

How Alexa Works? 

When you ask Alexa,” What’s the weather going to be yesterday”, the Alexa records your voice, then the recording is sent over the internet to the Amazon Alexa Voice Services which parses the recording into commands it understands. And then that system sends the relevant output back to your device.


Amazon Alexa plays songs, provides us pieces of information, delivers news and sports scores, informs you about the weather,  even controls your smart home, and even allows Prime members to orders products from Amazon. This Echo device by Amazon, with a display, can also return visual information, extending beyond widgets to news videos, games, and recipes.

Every one of us is really happy when we first bought our new digital voice assistant like Amazon Alexa device to home. But you really know the fact about the Amazon Alexa? Is it true that Alexa always keeps listening to your all conversations? Is it safe to use it? 

A lot of question arises in your mind after reading the heading of this article. Isn't true? 


Many people are thinking that "I AM GONNA CRAZY"...

So without wasting much time let's know the interesting fact about the Amazon Alexa.

The technology that Amazon chose to implement on its smart speakers is the "SEATTLE BASED TECHNOLOGY GIANT" which uses cloud computing to process every spoken word captured by its smart speakers. Alexa is also a voice assistant which is embedded in the smart speakers. If we talk about the fact that Alexa is always listening to you is that each and every word you say to Alex is sent to Amazon's cloud service to be automatically transcribed before it can respond to your request including your basic command to it like "Hello Alexa, please play music " or "tell me about this or that"...

Nothing is processed on the device itself.

You won't know what happens with all those recordings but let me tell you one more thing about it which is, an Alexa speaker, like the Dot or Echo, is always-on the listening device. Alexa keeps a record of what it hears whether it's your personal conversations, every time an Echo speaker activates.

So, What can we do to stop it's recording?

You can manually delete your all past recordings, as you can't stop Amazon from making these recordings, so we can just mute the Echo's microphone or unplug the darned thing. Amazon justifies that it keeps our recordings just to improve the quality f the products, not to sell them. But as we all know when it is about personal data we all feel risky no matter how much secure it is.


There are several things you can ask Alexa to do for you. In Alexa, the Skills app enables you to customize your Echo device with capabilities to suit your preferences.

Here are just a few examples listed below that what you can ask Alexa to do:

·       “Alexa, will it rains yesterday?”

·       “Alexa, just turn off the washing machine”

·       “Alexa, play songs for me”

·       “Alexa, what is the temperature outside”

·       “Alexa, ask Jamie for his recipe”

·       “Alexa, wake me up at 6 pm tomorrow”

·       “Alexa, what is today’s breaking news?”

·       “Alexa, what’s the weather in Paris?”

·       “Alexa, read out the most popular horror story for me”

·       “Alexa, turn on the light”

These are just a few examples that you can ask your Amazon Alexa to do for you. You can ask whatever for what you want for as well as what is compatible.

Numerous Companies offer partnerships with the Amazon Echo device, Alexa, as you can also know there are thousands and thousands of skills available but here are some of the services that work with Alexa and what they want you can do.

Amazon Echo is a smart speaker who responds to your voice commands using Alexa. It is a personal assistant to artificial intelligence. All of the Echo models can answers questions, command smart home devices, research the internet, and stream songs.

Most people have an idea of what exactly Alexa is, but still, they don’t understand how this virtual assistant exactly works.

Most of the devices with Alexa allows users to activate the device by using a wake word, such as Amazon or Alexa. If we talk about other devices such as the Amazon mobile app on Android or iOS and Amazon dashed Wand, they require the users to push the button to activate Alexa’s listening mode. Although, most of the phones also allow a user to say a command, like “Alexa” or “Alexa wake up”.

There are some concerns about the access Amazon has to private conversations in the home and other non-verbal indications, which can identify who is present in the home with its non-stop audio pick up from Alexa enabled devices.

Amazon uses past voice recordings which are sent to the cloud service to improve responses for future questions. If users want then they can delete voice recordings that are associated with their account.


Open the Alexa app on your pc, laptop, or mobile phone

On the top left of your screen, there is a menu button, tap on it

Click on the Alexa Account

Go to Alexa privacy

Click on "Manage how your data improves Alexa"

Next to the "Help Develop New Features", turn off the button

And at last turn off the button present next to your name under "Use Messages To Improves Transcriptions."


It's all DONE...



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