The First Computer Virus Was Harmless

 Evolution of The Computer Viruses...... 

A computer virus is a type of malicious software while executing it replicates itself. After the succeeding in replication, the affected areas said to be "infected" with the virus. 

For the past 40 years, computer viruses have been plaguing individuals, organizations, and government agencies. By the passing time, these viruses have kept pace with the newest advances in technology.

Computer Virus

In the 1980s, the very first computer virus came into existence and was termed as the Creeper virus. The whole program was designed by information security professionals to block the copying done by itself. Later in the early 1990s, The Elk Cloner, the first personal computer virus was programmed by a high school student. It widens through a floppy disk that was attached to a game for the Apple DOS system. It was not intended to cause damage to our computer but was created as a practical joke.

    The first virus to specifically attack PCs in 1986 and via the DOS system, it was recorded. The virus was created by two brothers from Pakistan, Basit Farooq Alvi and Amjad Farooq Alvi, known as The Brain. The Brain virus was essentially harmless.

Most computer viruses were harmless and annoyances. But in 1988, the first truly dangerous computer virus was released called Festering Hate virus, infecting Apple operating systems.

Later in 1991, a virus called Ghostball became the first threat to capture user information. After that in 1991, the first destructive virus was created. There was a hidden virus known as Michelangelo that only attacked computers on 6th March on Michelangelo's birthday. 

There was a computer science student of the Philippines who produced the ILOVEYOU worm that infected millions of Microsoft operating systems within a few hours, in 2000. Then in 2003, the SQL Slammer crashed the internet within 15 minutes of its release. The first virus that attempted to make money by sending spam was the Fizzer virus.

Virus Detection
In 2012, a   virus named Flame was created which became the first piece of malware to be involved in cyber intelligence. The Flame was a kind of malware that attacks computers using Microsoft windows. In a report released by Budapest University's Crysis lab, it was stated as the most complex malware ever found. Flame has the ability to record Skype conversations, audio, keyboard activity, network traffic, and screenshots.

Each year billions of dollars' worth of economic damaged by computer viruses.

About computer virus


A computer virus is a kind of malware that is attached to another program or document. Which can replicate and spread after an initial execution on a target system where human interaction is required. Most of the viruses are harmful and they can destroy data and slow down the system resources, and log keystrokes. Most of the viruses usually target the system that has running Microsoft Windows. On the other hand, Macs enjoy a reputation as virus-proof super machines.

Don not worry too much about what OS you choose, Windows or Macs because viruses just are not a thing anymore. There are no new viruses are created by Cybercriminal, instead, they are more focusing their efforts on more sophisticated and lucrative threats. Whenever people talk about getting a virus on their personal desktop, they usually mean that there is only some form of malware is present and often a computer worm.

The term “virus” and “malware” are not the same thing but often used interchangeably. We all know that a virus is a type of malware but not all the malware is viruses.  We can also think about viruses in biological terms.

If you want to differentiate computer viruses from other forms of malware, then imagine viruses in biological terms. Let’s take the example of a flu virus, it requires some kind of interaction between two people like a handshake, a kiss, or touching something an infected person touched. If the flu virus once gets into a person’s system it attaches to healthy human cells, using those cells to create more viral cells.

It definite that a computer virus requires a host program. And after that, it requires user action to transmit from one system to another.

A work of a computer virus is to attache bits of its own malicious code to other files or replaces files outright with copies of itself. It is confirmed that viruses can not be spread without any interactions, like opening up an infected word document. Headlines are not captured by computer viruses.

“viruses were all about peace and love-until they started crashing people’s computers.”


     The way by which computer virus attacks


If a virus is get attached to a program, or document successfully, then the virus will lie dormant on your computer until circumstances cause the computer or device to execute its code. In another word, if a virus is going to infect your computer or devices, then it has to execute the virus code.

  Without showing any major signs or symptoms, a computer virus can remain dormant on your computer. Once a virus infects your computer it is definitely possible that the virus can infect all other computers on the same network. A virus can do a lot of devastating and irritating things like stealing passwords or data, logging keystrokes, corrupting files, spamming your email contact, and even taking over your machine.  Viruses can do permanent damage to your hard disk.


Types of computer viruses


1.       Boot sector virus: whenever you start or boot your computer it takes control over your computer. It spread by plugging an infected USB.

2.       Web scripting virus: It exploits the code of web browsers and web pages. It’s get infected by accessing infected web pages.

3.       Browser hijacker: it contains certain hijacks web browsers

4.       Resident virus:  it is a type of virus that inserts itself in memory executes anytime when an operating system loads.

5.       Direct action virus: It comes into action at that time when you execute a file containing a virus.

6.       Polymorphic virus: It changes its code when you execute your file.

7.       File infectors virus: File infectors virus inserts malicious code into the file.

8.       Multipartite virus: It infects both program files and system sectors.

9.       Macro virus: it is used for software applications. It infects only through an email attachment. 


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