Dangerous Effects Of Hacking on The Society...
What is Hacking? Hacking is just similar to cancer that has very dangerous and treacherous effects on society. Nowadays in this modern Era, where measures have been taken to improve the security level in the distributed systems, all the hackers have found a way to crack into systems and take away information. In the field of IT, we have seen a drastic change in recent years, where electronic commerce, email, online shopping, online banking, information bank of numerous data, software development has improved leaps and bounds. Hackers The hackers have found a way to get easy money as technology has increased to new heights. Hackers implant a trojan or virus into different computers to make them vulnerable to work, they find easy ways to get into government confidential files, personal banking details, steal away their money from the banks. According to the oxford dictionary, Hacking means to "gain unauthorized access(to data in a computer)". Hacking is defined by banks as ...