Blue Eyes Technology



What is meant by blue eyes technology?

The blue eyes technology works on Artificial Intelligence (AI). Blue eyes the technology aims to give human abilities to a computer, it aims at creating a computer that has the abilities to understand the perceptual powers of the human being by recognizing their facial expression and also react accordingly to them.

A research team of IBM has come up with this technology to make  a computer which understands and sense human feelings and behavior as well.

Blue Eyes Technology

This blue eye technology aims to create computational machines that have perceptual and sensory abilities like those of human beings. It is conducted by the research team of IBM at its Almaden Research Center (ARC) in San Jose, California since 1997. The main reason behind making this technology successful is to make computers sense the emotions of humans. This technology basically uses different types of sensors to identify physical as well as psychological actions and to extracts key emotions from it. This technology is used to calculate the psychological, physical, emotional, or any other informational state of the user.


This technology is known as “Blue Eyes Technology” because in this the term “Blue” is stand for “Bluetooth ” which is known for wireless communication and the “Eyes”  term is used for the eye the movement used to identify the information, the device is fixed with Bluetooth processors which provide wireless communication between the sensor and the central unit.

Even though, your personal computer that can perform any actions, it can understand your emotions even when you just touch the mouse. It does the verification of your identity feels your presence, and start interactions with the users.

All human beings have some perceptual capabilities, the ability t understand each other’s emotions, or feelings from their facial expression. This technology aims to develop or to create a computer that has the abilities to understand the perceptual power of human beings by just recognizing their facial expressions.

All these perceptual capabilities are embedded in the gadgets using the technology called blue eyes technology. These inventions and development show how far science and technology can progress and develop in this modern era. This technology identifies human emotions by using the image processing techniques by extracting an eye portion from the captured image and compares it with the stored images in the database. This technology facilitates the computer to talk, listen, and even feel our presence with its various tools of artificial intelligence such as face recognization, video calls, fingerprints, and many other technologies.

This technology is used t simplify life by providing almost all user-friendly facilities. This technology also helps in reducing the gap between the computer and human.


The world of science and technology cannot be measured in terms of development and progress, it shows how far the human's mind can think and work, and it has now reached to the technology to whom we called “Blue Eyes Technology” This blue Eye technology is the very near future. And the main motive behind this technology is to give the computer-human power. The machine can understand what a user wants, where he is looking and, what he has searched for, and even realize the physical and emotional state.


Central System Unit (CSU) maintains other sides of the Bluetooth connections, buffers incoming sensor data, and perform  online data analysis, record conclusion for further exploration, and provides visualization interface.


In 1997, Rosalind Picard describes why emotions are important to the computing community. There are two main aspects of affective computing; giving the computer the ability to detect emotions and giving the computer the ability to express emotions. A study in 1997, in which Dryer & Horowitz has shown that people with personalities that are similar to each other collaborate well. For this reason, it is important to develop computers that can work well with users. The goal of human-computer interaction (HCI) is to make a smart, adaptive computer system.

Technologies used

·        It uses emotional moues

·        It uses Manual And Gaze Input Cascaded (MAGIC)

·        Use artificial intelligence speech recognization

·        The eye movement sensor used


·       Used in automobile industry

·       Used in video games

·       Used in retailing record

·       Interpret customer movements

·       Flight controls center

·       In operating theatres

·       In power station

Advantages Of Blue Eyes Technology

·       It has practical accuracy level

·       It improved subjective speed and the case of use

·       Faster than the pure manual pointing

·       More natural the mental model for the users


·       Motor action Computation cannot start until the cursor appears

·       Liberal approach is Distracting when the user is trying to read.


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