Touch Screen With Feelings


“Technology is not just a tool. It can give learners a voice that they may not have had before”

Today, technology affects the way individuals communicate, think, and learn. It helps our society and determines how people interact with each other on a daily basis. It plays a major role in society today. Technology has positive as well as negative effects on the world and it impacts our daily life. It has altered human physiology.


Technology affects attention spans, memory, and sleep cycles. This is an attribute to a scientific phenomenon known as neuroplasticity, or the brain’s ability to alter its behavior based on the new experiences.

A touch screen is a computer display screen that is sensitive to the human touch. This display screen has a sensitive glass overlay placed on it and we could give any desired input just by touching it. The kit of this touch screen includes a controller, a touch screen panel, and a software driver. Internal touch screen kits are also present but it requires personal installation because they must be installed inside the monitors.

Our fingers have accomplished to love and attract towards touch screen, in this digital era. The touch screen is one of the most sought-after new features on mobile devices.

Touch Sensor

The touch screen sensor is a clear glass panel that has a touch-responsive surface.

These sensors generally have an electric current or signal going through it. Touching the screen causes the voltage or signal change.


It is a small PC card that is connected between the PC and the touch sensor. This controller determines what type of connection or interface you will need on PC.


At the IEEE sponsored World Haptics Conference 2009, in Salt Lake City, Michael A. Peshkin and J. Edward Colgate, mechanical engineering professors and co-directors of North western’s Laboratory for Intelligent Mechanical Systems described their candidate for such an enhanced touch screen- a device that calls the Tactile Pattern Display, or TPaD.

This TPaD can create the illusion of texture on an unadorned piece of glass. These TPaD’s are 1.6mm thick glass layer is set into ultrasonic oscillation by a piezoelectric ceramic disc glued to the glass. Peshkin explained that ”when you run your finger across the TPaD, you get a very strong tactile sensation of something being there, like a dip, a bump, or an edge.

The whole plate vibrates, so the amount of friction is small all over the TPaD’s surface at a given time. As the oscillations are modulated as your finger’s position changes, this device fools you into thinking that there are varying amounts of friction at different locations. The prototype uses optical sensors to keep track of a finger’s position. The friction reduction can be switched on and off quickly within about 4 milliseconds on an average, that the pitch of virtual bumps and dips can be made far finer than the fingertip can discern. On several engineering challenges including creating larger versions of the TPaD, currently, the group is working on it.

Another hurdle is limiting how much power the TPaD draws, which is extremely important in mobile devices, where power budget is measured in milliwatts. Peshkin said that” In principle, The TPaD does not need a lot of power”

A touch screen is an electronic visual display that can detect the presence and location of your touch within the display area. The touch screen enables people to use computers instantly.

The touch screen eliminates the use of keyboards and mouse, it also provides fast access to all types of social media. In the future, there would be no use of mouse and keyboard as they all are replaced by touch screen devices.

TPaD can create an image of texture on an unadorned piece of glass. These TPaD does not need a lot of power, but in practice, you may be run into issues like parasitic losses because of power being dissipated through things like mountings.



·        It provides direct navigation and accessibility through physical touch.

·       Eliminating the need for computer mouse and keyboard

·       Easier to transport

·       High touch resolution

·       It is user friendly

·       It has error-free input

·       It has high image clarity

·       It gives fast responses



·        Lower endurance

·  The polyester surface can be damaged

·       Will not work with any non- conductive input

·        Does not respond with gloved fingers or stylus

·       May need re-calibration

·       It is expensive



·       A display is directly touched

·       The display may get dirty

·       Due to dirt, it becomes less visible

·       Direct touches may cause scratches on the screen

·       May cause malfunction in some cases

“Technology opens the door to the world. It’s up to us to walk through it in a meaningful and respectful way”


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